Monday, March 11, 2013

washington sears 60 years later

Washington sears 60 years later
The man who had a guilty conscience for over 60 years. And after those 60 years he had finally paid those 30 dollars with interests.

Selecting Your Courses

Part 2
The following subjects and classes are standard fare for success in high school and beyond, whether you plan to attend a four-year or two-year College.
English (Language Arts)
Take English every year. Traditional courses, such as American and English literature, help you improve your writing skills, reading comprehension and vocabulary.
You need algebra and geometry to succeed on college entrance exams and in college math classes—and in many careers. Take them early on. That way, you’ll be able to enroll in advanced science and math in high school, and show college’s you’re ready for higher-level work.
Most colleges look for students who have taken three years of math in high school. The competitive ones require or recommend four years. Each school has its own program, but some of the courses typically offered are:
·       Algebra I
·       Algebra II
·       Geometry
·       Trigonometry
·       Calculus
Choose the Right

Friday, March 8, 2013

tis the set of the sail

Tis the set of the sail
Ella wheeler Wilcox 1916
But and  every mind there openth, away, and away, and away. A high soul climbs the highway, and the low soul gropes the low, and in between on the misty flats, the rest drift and fro.
But every man there openth, a high and a low, and every mind decideth, the way his soul shall go.
One ship sails east, and another west, by the self-same winds that blow, “tis the set of the sails and not the gales, that tells the way we go.
Like the winds of the sea are waves of time, as we journey along through life, “tis the set of the soul, that determines the goal, and not the calm or the strife. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a
Thomas Carlyle
Reflection: this reflection was about whoever does not have a goal. Is not likely to go really far in life. That’s why everybody should have their own personal goals.
Choose the right!!!

The Power of Study Groups

Part 4
Getting the Most Out of a Session
Here are some tips to help your group get the most out of each study session:
·       Decide what you are going to do in advanced.
·       Prepare for the session, so you can make the most out of your time together.
·       Take turns teaching, to reinforce your own knowledge. Stick to the session topic.
By supplementing your individual study with a study group, you can reinforce what you've learned, deepen your understanding of complex concepts, and maybe even make a few new friends. Remember that a friend is a person who encourages you to do your best and to achieve on a high level, one who pushes you to try a little harder and be a litter better. If someone pulls you down the wrong trails of life, then those people are not friends are not friends, and you must avoid them at all cost. Whoever said learning can’t be fun? Learning is enjoyable and exciting when you study with others. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

my goals

My Goals
A. Pass all my classes with A’s and B’s
B. Make the soccer team next year
C. Get my teachers to be my friends

1. Work smart
2. Work hard
3. Make new friends
4. Do all my homework
5. Get a job next year
6. Be respectful to my elders
7. Be a good sport
8. Go to sleep early
9. Never choose the wrong
10. Only hang out with friends that choose the right
11. choose the right!!!

the power of study groups part 3

The power of study groups
Part 3
Guidelines for getting a group together
Here are some guidelines for creating and running a study group; how many? Create a group of four to six people. In a larger group, it’s easy for someone to get left out and smaller groups can too easily get off track.
Who? Pick classmates who seem to share their interest in doing well academic. Look for people who stay alert in class, take notes, ask questions, and respond to the teachers questions. Include someone who understands the material better than you and can explain the concepts and someone who doesn’t understand it as well, to whom you can explain the material.
Where? Hold study group sessions in a place that is free of distractions and that has a room to spread out books and notes. How long? Meet for no more than two to three hours a time. Having time limit helps the group focus. If you know you only have an hour, you’re more likely to stay on task.
Choose the right!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Power of Study Groups

Part 2
The Benefits of Study Groups
Group study offers other advantages in addition to gaining a deeper understanding of class material. These include the opportunity to: Reinforce note-taking. If your AP® Biology notes are unclear, you can ask a member of your study group to help you fill the gaps. Share talents. Each person brings different strengths, such as organizational skills, the ability to stick to a task or captivity for memorization.
Cover more ground. Group members may be able to solve a calculus problem together that none would have solved alone. Benefit from a support system. Members often have common goals, such as good grades. Each person’s work affects the other members, which result in making members supportive of one another. Socialize. It’s more fun to study with others; the give-and-take makes it more interesting. And because it’s more fun, you spend more time studying.
Choose the Right

Monday, March 4, 2013


Student Success Statement
“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalposts are.”
Arnold Glasgow
Reflection: the reflection was about how people make it in life. And how people feel when they make it!!!
Choose the right!!! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

walk the talk

Not to be messed up, but this video was boring. They didn’t even talk or walk. The only thing I like about the video was that it had really nice pictures. It also was boring because it kept showing words and words. My point is that this video was really boring!!!

student success statement

Student success statement
“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.”
-Albert A. Montapert
Reflection: this reflection is about how people will always deal with good or bad consequences. if they are good they will have great rewards, but if their bad consequences they have to deal with bad consequences.